I am once again running crazy long distances for charity, this time to raise funds in support of Mind and Help for Heroes. I am running two 50 mile Ultra Marathons – The Race to the Tower in the Cotswolds and the Chester Ultra.
Please support my run and help raise funds for these amazing charities – https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/EdwardWallington
Help for Heroes
Help for Heroes believes that those who put their lives on the line for us, deserve a second chance at life. They provide lifetime support for the Armed Forces Community and their families. Today, seven people will be medically discharged from the Armed Forces and their lives will change forever. In an instant, these highly-trained individuals will lose the camaraderie, purpose and career which has been their life. Help for Heroes provide recovery and support for the Armed Forces community whose lives are affected by their service, no matter when they served. Their aim is to empower Veterans and Service Personnel to look beyond illness and injury. Every penny they raise, facility they run and activity they offer is to help Veterans and Service Personnel reach their potential, regain their purpose and have a positive impact on society.
Every year, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem. But hundreds of thousands of people are still struggling. Mind believe no-one should have to face a mental health problem alone. When you’re experiencing a mental health problem, supportive and reliable information can change your life. That’s what Mind do. They empower people to understand their condition and the choices available to them
See you on the trails!