This years Association for Geographic Information (AGI) GeoCommunity 2012 is titled ‘Sharing the Power of Place’, and is being held in Nottingham, UK on the 18th-20th September 2012. For more information visit

There are a number of streams of talks as well as a number of onsite events and hands-on sessions, not to mention great networking opportunities and discussions with vendors. The presentations are focused around a number of streams:

  • Who, What, Where: This stream deals with national geographic issues such as the Census and Land Registration.
  • Environmental Impacts: From managing the aid response during humanitarian crises to reducing pollution in sewer networks; here is the application of GI with an environmental perspective.
  • Emerging Technologies: This part of the conference addresses hot topics like Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Linked data.
  • Data: Attend this stream if you wish to hear about aspects of INSPIRE, OpenStreetMap and OS MasterMap.
    Sharing Best Practice: Learn from a series of projects relating to GI in local government, education, the third sector and insurance sectors.
  • Social Geography: Here you can learn about the role GI and GIS has in connecting the citizen with public services and community information.
  • Engagement: This stream addresses about how GI has a vital role to play in data sharing and collaboration with examples from the public and private sector.
  • Health Geography: The health sector is yet to fully embrace and exploit the power of GI. This stream covers aspects of health geography from two leading speakers in the field.
  • BIM: Building Information Modelling is being mandated by Government for large construction and infrastructure projects. GI is a key part of BIM. Learn about many aspects of BIM and GI in this section of the conference.
  • Opening Up: This stream straddles both days to look at Open Source and Open Data from a range of backgrounds and applications.
  • Cloud Solutions: Cloud Computing is an increasingly popular approach. What is the role of GI in this? This is the stream to find out.

Hope to see you there!