With such a wide range of project management (PM) approaches, techniques and tools available and marketed, which do you use and why?
I include projects, programmes, portfolios and project management offices (PMO) under the umbrella term of project management. I would welcome and be interested in your views, comments and recommendations.
I took my entire business into account when taking on project management software. Instead of starting with PM software, then having to deal with CRM and billing and other apps, I found one that consolidated everything I need.
WORKetc combines CRM, project management, billing, email marketing, support tools, calendars, and collaborative tools. Under WORKetc it’s possible to manage a business in it’s entirety, without having to take on more integrations. I’m able to manage projects, leads, contacts, billing, finances, communications, etc – under one web based system. This has huge benefits for us when it comes to workflow, sales, organization, efficiency, and collaboration (business wide reporting on all operations!).
It is obviously true that for each project manager take care of a lot of things like managing the documents, collaboration as well as communicating with the team, conducting frequent meetings with the team so as to ensure that every one is updated regarding any recent changes made in the action plan. To manage all of those I am using some tremendous tools.