
About > Ed WallingtonPublications

Use these links to jump to the appropriate publication section: Most Recent, Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Professional Papers, Conference Contributions, Thesis and Reports, Book Reviews, Other Publications, Presentations and Posters.

Most Recent
  • Introduction to Programme Management (Second Edition) (2016): Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. (In prep.): Game Theory in Management, by M. Hatfield. Book Review. Gower Publishing Limited, England, 2012. In Project, Issue ##, Issue, p.##. Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. (In prep.): Sustainability in Project Management, by G. Silvius, R. Schipper, J. Planko, J. van den Brink and A. Kohler. Book Review. Gower Publishing Limited, England, 2012.
  • Wallington, E.D. (In press): Self Development. In The Gower Handbook of People in Project Management. Edited by Dennis Lock and Lindsay Scott. Gower Publishing Ltd, Farnham.
  • Wallington, E.D. (In press.): Resource Management Information Systems: Remote Sensing, GIS and Modelling, by K. R. McCloy. Book Review. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 2006. In The Photogrammetric Record, Vol., Issue, pp.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2011): Where’s the Project Management? In Sensed, Number 42, October 2011, p.8. Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (RSPSoc).
  • Wallington, E.D. (2011): Benefit Realisation Management – A practical guide to achieving benefits through change, by G. Bradley. Book Review. Gower Publishing Ltd, Farnham, 2010. In Project, Issue 242, October 2011, p.36. Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2011): The Contract Scorecard – Successful Outsourcing by Design, by S. Cullen. Book Review. Gower Publishing Ltd, Farnham, 2009. Arras People website, 6th September 2011.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2011): Opinion piece – Without the desire to learn and improve, we run the risk of trying to find ‘square peg’ solutions to ever-more complex problems. In Project, Issue 240, July 2011, p.8-9. Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. et. al. (2011): What can you learn about project management using social media in 24 hours? In Project, Issue 235, February 2011, p.16-20. Association for Project Management.


Journal Articles
  • Woodhouse, I.H.; Izzawati; Wallington, E.D. and Turner, D. (2006): Edge effects on tree height retrieval using X-band interferometry. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 344-348.
  • Izzawati, Wallington, E.D. and Woodhouse, I.H. (2006): Forest height retrieval from commercial X-band SAR products. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 863-870.


Book Chapters
  • Introduction to Programme Management (Second Edition) (2016): Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. and Suarez, J.C. (2007): Evaluation of commercial airborne LiDAR and SAR products to estimate top height and associated parameters in production forests in Britain. In Sustainable Forestry: from Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management & Policy Science. Edited by K.M. Reynolds. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 298-313.
  • Cameron, I.D.; Viergever, K.; Wallington, E.D.; Woodhouse, I.H.; Moss, D. and Stuart, N.; (2006): Synthetic Aperture Radar for inventory and height retrieval of neo-tropical savanna vegetation. In Global Developments in Environmental Earth Observation from Space. Edited by A. Mar�al. Proceedings of 25th EARSeL Symposium, Porto, Portugal, 6th-11th June 2005, Millpress, Netherlands, pp. 391-400.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Woodhouse, I.H. and Suarez, J.C. (2004): Forest classification and height indicators using L-band SAR. In Remote Sensing in Transition. Goossens, R. (Ed). Proceedings of the 23rd EARSeL Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, 2-5 July 2003. Millpress, Netherlands, pp. 167-172.


Professional Papers
  • Wallington, E.D. (2011): Where’s the Project Management? In Sensed, Number 42, October 2011, p.8. Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (RSPSoc).
  • Wallington, E.D. (2011): Opinion piece – Without the desire to learn and improve, we run the risk of trying to find ‘square peg’ solutions to ever-more complex problems. In Project, Issue 240, July 2011, p.8-9. Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. et. al. (2011): What can you learn about project management using social media in 24 hours? In Project, Issue 235, February 2011, p.16-20. Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Viergever, K.; Stuart, N.; and Moss, D. (2006): SAR remote sensing for natural resource management: Retrieving spatial extent and height of savanna vegetation. Geomatics World, July/August 2006, pp. 31-35.
  • Viergever, K.; Moss, D.; Stuart, N. and Wallington, E.D. (2006): SAR remote sensing for natural resource management: Using online GPS services as control for detailed ground truthing. Geomatics World, May/June 2006, pp. 32-37.
  • Moss, D.; Stuart, N.; Viergever, K. and Wallington, E.D. (2006): SAR remote sensing for natural resource management: is there a role for ground survey? Geomatics World, March/April 2006, pp.24-28.
  • Patenaude, G.; Hill, R.; Suarez, J. and Wallington, E. (2006): LiDAR for forestry and ecological applications. Forestry and Timber News, Issue 17, March 2006, pp.22-23.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Patenaude, G.; Watt, P. and Suarez, J.C. (2005): Change detection – Unravelling the truth with remote sensing. Forestry & British Timber, Vol. 34, No. 10, pp. 36-38.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Woodhouse, I.H. and Suarez, J.C. (2003): Would a microwave be useful in your forest? Forestry & British Timber, Vol. 32, No. 1, p12-13.


Conference Contributions
  • Stuart, N.; Cameron, I.; Viergever, K.; Moss, D.; Wallington, E.D. and Woodhouse, I. (2006): Visual interpretation of synthetic aperture radar data for assessing land cover in tropical savannas. In Proceedings of SPIE, Geoinformatics 2006, Remotely Sensed Data and Information, Wuhan, China, 28-19 October 2006.
  • Woodhouse, I.H.; Viergever, K.; Hay, C.; Wallington, E.D. and Stuart, N. (2006): Using SAR for Tree Height Estimation in Sparse and Heterogeneous Woodland. In Proceedings of Eleventh Biennial USDA Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 24-28 April 2006.
  • Woodhouse, I.H.; Wallington, E.D. and Izzawati. (2006): Assessing Forest Height Retrieval from Commercial X-band SAR Products. In Proceedings of Eleventh Biennial USDA Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 24-28 April 2006.
  • Wallington, E.D. and Suarez, J.C. (2006): Airborne LiDAR and SAR estimation of forest top height. In Sustanable Forestry in Theory and Practce. Proceedings of IUFRO Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 5th-8th April 2005. 7 pages. ISBN 978-0-9789478-0-4.
  • Woodhouse, I. H.; Wallington, E.D. and Izzawati (2005): Tree height retrieval using NEXTMap products. In NEXTMap workshop: Exploiting NEXTMap for NERC Science, Kenworth, UK, 21st September 2005.
  • Wallington, E.D., C.A. Hay, K. Viergever, I.H. Woodhouse, N. Stuart and D. Moss (2005): Airborne SAR for neo-tropical vegetation classification, height retrieval and carbon estimation: a case study in Belize. In Proceedings of RSPSoc Annual Conference, Portsmouth, UK, 7th-10th September 2005.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Woodhouse, I.H. and Izzawati (2005): Commercial airborne X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar for forest height inventory. In Proceedings of ForestSAT Conference, Boras, Sweden, May 31 – June 3, 2005.
  • Gaulton, R.; Olaya, G.; Wallington, E.D.; Malthus, T.J.; Woodhouse, I.H. and Suarez, J.C. (2005): Continuous Cover Forestry in the UK? Quantifying Forest Structure using Remote Sensing. In Proceedings of ForestSAT Conference, Boras, Sweden, May 31 – June 3, 2005.
  • Suarez, J.C. and Wallington, E.D. (2005): Top height estimation using commercial airborne remote sensing products in British forestry In Proceedings of ForestSAT Conference, Boras, Sweden, May 31 – June 3, 2005.
  • Izzawati, I.; Wallington, E.D. and Woodhouse, I.H. (2004): Forest height retrieval from commercial X-band SAR products in the UK. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications, 16th-19th November 2004, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Izzawati and Woodhouse, I.H. (2004): Forest Height Estimation from X-band SAR. In Proceedings of IGARSS 2004, 20th-24th September 2004, Anchorage, Alaska.
  • Woodhouse, I.H.; Izzawati and Wallington, E.D. (2004): The impact of forest heterogeneity on tree height retrieval using X-band interferometry. In Proceedings of IGARSS 2004, 20th-24th September 2004, Anchorage, Alaska.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Izzawati and Woodhouse, I.H. (2004): Airborne SAR for Forest Height Retrieval. In Proceedings of RSPSoc Annual Conference, 7th-10th September 2004, Aberdeen, UK.
  • Izzawati; Woodhouse, I.H.; Wallington, E.D. and Turner, D. (2004): The impact of forest heterogeneity on tree height retrieval using X- and L-band interferometry. In Proceedings of RSPSoc Annual Conference, 7th-10th September 2004, Aberdeen, UK.
  • Woodhouse, I.H.; Izzawati and Wallington, E.D. (2004): Commercially available airborne X-band SAR vegetation height retrieval: application validation and interferometric modelling. In NERC Earth Observation Conference, 30th June – 1st July 2004, University of Plymouth, UK.
  • Wallington, E.D. and Woodhouse, I.H. (2003): Validation of Intermap STAR-3i for forestry applications: First results. In Proceedings of RSPSoc Conference, 10th-12th September 2003, Nottingham, UK.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Turner, D.T.; Woodhouse, I.H.; Malthus, T.J. and Suarez, J.C. (2003): Assessing L-band SAR Modes for Commercial Forest Management. In Proceedings of IGARSS 2003, 21-25 July 2003, Toulouse, France.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Woodhouse, I.H. and Suarez, J.C. (2002): SAR for forest management. In Proceedings of ForestSAT Conference, 5th-9th August 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.


Theses and Reports
  • Wallington, E.D., Stuart, N. and Moss, D. (2008): The potential of Synthetic Aperture Radar for assessing carbon storage in savanna woodlands. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Research Paper Series, Vol. 7, No. 18, 36 pages.
  • Wallington, E.D., Stuart, N. and Moss, D. (2008): The potential of Synthetic Aperture Radar for assessing carbon storage in savanna woodlands. FiBRE – Findings in Built and Rural Environments. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Education Fund.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2006): Forest height inventory from airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar. PhD Thesis, Institute of Geography, School of GeoSciences, The University of Edinburgh. Submitted 30th September 2005. Viva passed 28th February 2006.
  • Wallington, E.D. and Woodhouse, I.H. (2005): Assessment of Intermap STAR-3i Products for Forestry Height Estimation. Report to Forest Enterprise, Forestry Commission.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2005): Synthetic Aperture Radar for neo-tropical vegetation height retrieval. Report to the Royal Scottish Geographical Society (RSGS).
  • Wallington, E.D. (2004): RSPSoc Student Representative’s Report 2004. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Review: April 2003- March 2004, p.17.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2001):The spatial distribution of natural regeneration in a strip shelterwood system. Unpublished MSc Thesis. School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, The University of Wales, Bangor.


Book Reviews
  • Wallington, E.D. (In prep.): Game Theory in Management, by M. Hatfield. Book Review. Gower Publishing Limited, England, 2012. In Project, Issue ##, Issue, p.##. Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. (In prep.): Sustainability in Project Management, by G. Silvius, R. Schipper, J. Planko, J. van den Brink and A. Kohler. Book Review. Gower Publishing Limited, England, 2012.
  • Wallington, E.D. (In press.): Resource Management Information Systems: Remote Sensing, GIS and Modelling, by K. R. McCloy. Book Review. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 2006. In The Photogrammetric Record, Vol., Issue, pp.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2011): Benefit Realisation Management – A practical guide to achieving benefits through change, by G. Bradley. Book Review. Gower Publishing Ltd, Farnham, 2010. In Project, Issue 242, October 2011, p.36. Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2011): The Contract Scorecard – Successful Outsourcing by Design, by S. Cullen. Book Review. Gower Publishing Ltd, Farnham, 2009. Arras People website, 6th September 2011.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2010): Transforming Government and Public Services: Realising benefits through project portfolio management, by S. Jenner. Book Review. Gower Publishing Ltd, Farnham, 2010. In Project, Issue 231, Aug/Sept 2010, p.40. Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2010): International Project Management, by N.J. K. Koster. Book Review. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, 2009. In Project Management Tipoffs, Arras People, July 2010.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2010): Managing Geographic Information Systems, 2nd Edition, by N.J. Obermeyer and J.K. Pinto. The Guilford Press, New York, 2008. In The Photogrammetric Record, Vol. 25, Issue 129, pp85-86.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2010): No Fear – In Business and In Life, by P. Jerico, Palgrave Macmillan. In Project, Issue 226, March 2010, p.32. Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2009): Engaging Leadership – Three agendas for sustaining achievement, by D. Marlier and S. Parker, Palgrave Macmillan. In Project, Vol. 21, Issue 9, July 09, p.7. Association for Project Management.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2005): Field Methods in Remote Sensing. In The Photogrammetric Record, Vol. 20, No. 110, pp. 179-180.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2004): Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation. In The Photogrammetric Record, Vol. 19, Issue 108, pp.420-422.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2004): A Decade of Trans-European Remote Sensing Cooperation. In The Photogrammetric Record, Vol. 19, Issue 105, pp.77-78.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2003): Remote sensing in transition. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, Number 10, October 2003, pp.21-22.


Other Publications
  • Gaulton, R. and Wallington, E.D. (2005): ForestSat 2005 Conference Report. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, Number 18, October 2005, pp. 17-18.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2005): ForestSat 2005 Conference Report. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, Vol. 99, Issue 4, pp.303-305.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2005): IGARSS04 Conference Report. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, Number 15, January 2005, pp. 21-22.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2004): Airborne Radar in Forestry. In The Bush Telegraph, Issue No. 51, Summer 2004, p.10.
  • O’Shea, C. and Wallington, E.D. (2004): Annual Student Meeting 2004. Meeting Report. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, Number 13, July 2004, pp.19-21.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2004): Vegetation Structure Workshop. Meeting Report. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, Number 13, July 2004, pp.16-17.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2004): Comments from the Student Representative. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, Number 13, July 2004, p.5.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2004): Comments from the Student Representative. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, Number 12, April 2004, pp.3-4.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2004): From the Student Representative. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, Number 11, January 2004, p.4.
  • Wallington, E.D. and Adams, J. (2003): Spatial Perspectives. Review of the RSPSoc Annual Student Meeting 2003. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, Number 9, July 2003, pp.20-21.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2002): Review of the RSPSoc Annual Student Meeting 2002. In The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, Number 4, April 2002, pp.15-16.


Other presentations and posters
  • Wallington, E.D.; Viergever, K.; Stuart, N.; Moss, D. and Woodhouse, I.H. (2006): Integrated surveying and remote sensing for natural resource management. Annual Britain-Belize meeting, 29th September 2006, Royal Botanical Gardens Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Stuart, N. and Moss, D. (2006): Innovative topographical survey to support biomass estimation from airborne radar in northern Belize. Invited speakers for Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Lecture Series, 9th March 2006, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Viergever, K.; Woodhouse, I.; Stuart, N.; Wallington, E.D.; Hay, C.; Moss, D. and Furley, P. (2005): Estimating above-ground woody biomass of Belizean tropical woodland savanna using remote sensing. 9th Annual Britain-Belize meeting, 30th September 2005, London, UK.
  • Cameron, I. and Wallington, E.D. (2005): Carbon estimation the Belizean way: SAR for neo-tropical savanna mapping. GIS Update, 3rd June 2005, Institute of Geography, School of GeoSciences, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2004): The use of remote sensing for forestry resource management. Invited speaker for MSc course in remote sensing, 4th November 2004, University College London.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Izzawati and Woodhouse, I.H. (2004): Airborne SAR for Forest Height Retrieval. Edinburgh Consortium for Rural Research Winter Reception. 3rd November 2004, School of Agriculture, The University of Edinburgh, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh.
  • Stuart, N.; Wallington, E.D.; Cameron, I. and Woodhouse, I.H. (2004): The scope for enhanced land cover classifications using radar data in Belize. 8th Annual Meeting of the Belize Research Association, 24th September 2004, The Natural History Museum.
  • Wallington, E.D.; Izzawati and Woodhouse, I.H. (2004): Commercially available airborne X-band SAR vegetation height retrieval: application validation and interferometric modelling. Edinburgh Centre for Rural Research Summer Reception. 12th May 2004, John McIntyre centre, Pollock Halls, Edinburgh.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2003): SAR for forest mapping. RSPSoc Annual Student Meeting 2003. 25th March 2003, Department of Geography, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2003): Mapping with Microwaves – Remote Sensing for DEM creation and forest applications. GeoSciences Gradschool Conference. 7-9th February 2003, Isles of Glencoe Hotel, Ballachulish, Scotland, UK.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2002): Optimising SAR for Forestry Applications. Graduate School of Geography Conference, 29th-30th April 2002, Department of Geography, The Universty of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2002): SAR for Forestry Applications. Geology and Geophysics Gradschool Conference. 1-3rd February 2002, Isles of Glencoe Hotel, Ballachulish, Scotland, UK.
  • Wallington, E.D. (2002): Assessing L-band SAR Modes for Commercial Forest Management. Earth Systems Science Summer School. 2-13th September 2002, Norwich, UK.
